
¡Hola amigos!

This summer I'll be studying Spanish in Turrialba, Costa Rica, thanks to a generous grant from the Brookline Education Foundation. I'll be posting photos, stories, and fun activities just for you while I'm there. Come explore Central America along with me by following this blog!

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Wednesday, July 23, 2014

¿Qué tiempo hace en Costa Rica?

¡Hola amigos!

I have been in Costa Rica for five days now, and I really like it. ¡Me encanta! 

Last Friday our airplane landed in San José, the capital city of Costa Rica. After that, I rented a car to drive out into the country to see a real, active volcano: Volcán Poás.

This volcano has a large, steamy crater that you can look into when you get to the top. The day we were there, though, this is all we could see:

Most of the time, it is very foggy and cloudy at the top of the volcano, and we couldn't see very far into the crater. This climate is known as a cloud forest because it is almost always cloudy and drizzly. It is different from a rain forest, though, because the temperature is always cool instead of hot. This is what the plants of a cloud forest look like: 

One plant is especially useful in the cloud forest. It is called a sombrilla de pobres, or the Poor Man's Umbrella. Can you guess why?

My daughter Tiegan and my son Jonas are showing you how people use this plant to stay dry when it rains in the cloud forest.

It wasn't always rainy while we were at the volcano, though. Here is a video I made for you of the weather at the lodge where we stayed while visiting the volcano: 

Did you sing along? 

Finally, many of the words I used in the video are in the coloring page below. After you print it out and color it in, see how many things you can point to and name on your own.

¡Hasta luego!

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