
¡Hola amigos!

This summer I'll be studying Spanish in Turrialba, Costa Rica, thanks to a generous grant from the Brookline Education Foundation. I'll be posting photos, stories, and fun activities just for you while I'm there. Come explore Central America along with me by following this blog!

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Tuesday, June 10, 2014

¡Bienvenidos! Welcome!

I'm so excited to be traveling to Costa Rica this summer!

For four weeks in July and August, I will be living in an apartment in a small city called Turrialba and practicing my Spanish at a Spanish language school. My children will be traveling with me and going to an elementary school in town to learn Spanish (just like you!). We'll have our classes in the morning, and during the afternoons and weekends we will explore as many different parts of Costa Rica as we can get to. We'll also be doing plenty of things that regular families in Costa Rica do, like shopping and cooking dinner (and doing homework).

I plan to share lots of pictures and videos of my trip, and I will also add some activities that you can do to learn new Spanish words right along with us. You should be able to click on all the blue links to find fun activities online, and you can also print out worksheets to do on your own.

Also, I would love it if you say hello by writing comments to me at the bottom of the posts — just check with your parents first to make sure that's ok. A good idea might be just to use your only your first name (or even just your initials) and last year's classroom. For example, John Smith in 2K would be John 2K (or JS 2K). That way I will know who you are, but strangers won't.

The best way to follow along is to sign up in the email box at the top of the page, so you get an alert whenever I post something new. Again, ask your parents to help you with this (especially if you don't have your own email yet!).

Finally, this trip wouldn't be possible without the generosity of the Brookline Education Foundation. They awarded me a grant to help pay for this trip, and for that I deeply grateful. Their work makes it possible for me to share this wonderful adventure with you!

I really hope you keep coming to this website to come along on my adventure to Costa Rica. It will be so much fun!



  1. it look's fun did you do anything else


    1. ¡Hola, Sahana! Sorry I didn't see your comment sooner--sometimes the Internet is slow in Costa Rica. So far I have climbed a volcano, gone whitewater rafting down a river, and tried ziplining with my family. We also went to the beach at the Pacific Ocean. During a tour of the rainforest, we saw many animals--I will write about them soon!
